Thursday, February 16, 2006

I know, I know.

I know I have been low-profile lately. And it's not for lack of activity; in fact, more has probably happened in the last week than in the last 2 months. But for some reason, I just haven't felt like writing. I guess I'm having that writer's block thing. In any event, I still don't feel inspired, but I do feel guilty, so i'm going to make a list of things going on and maybe I'll elaborate at a later date. I present to you

A List of the Last Week

- My sistah flew into Austin a week ago and stayed with me for the long weekend. It was awesome. I miss her.

- I turned another year older last Saturday night and celebrated with my lovely friends and my visiting sistah.

- The night before, I had a lovely b-day dinner with my entire family in San Antonio.

- I officially hired a personal trainer and began the program on Sunday. Today is day 5. I have to say, I am hungry right now, but in general it's been fine. My biggest problem is eating enough, actually -- since i'm eating all healthy stuff, it's not as yummy and I don't want to eat much.

- Yes, the above bullet is HUGE, but I am drained and don't really want to talk about it right now. I wasn't even sure I was going to tell anyone, but of course I have a big mouth and so here it is, Internet.

- Yesterday I bought a ticket to San Francisco, where I've been meaning to visit my friend Sarah for months! I'm going the third week in March. Yay, something to look forward to! (I have a strict policy of planning something else fantastic right after completing something fantastic -- this helps with the crushing depression...)

That's honestly all I can manage right now, but I just wanted to say Helloooooo, I'm alive!

that is all.

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