Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wild kingdom, CO-style

This spring, we made a very wise investment: a $14.99 birdfeeder from Target. This investment has provided many a cheap thrill and much low-cost entertainment via what we have deemed "Kitteh TV", a/k/a the drama that unfolds outside the back door, as viewed from the cat perch.

Besides the obvious, birds, we have a baby bunny...

This never fails to bring a smile to Hank's face.

But then tonight, we got a new visitor...

He thought he was being pretty sneaky...

But then he realized he was being watched.

We don't want to wait and see who wins this one. We have little kids bordering our yard on all sides, so we might need to nip this one in the bud.

Any ideas???


GerRee said...

Why is it that raccoons are SO photogenic? They always play the part of the bandit so well, and I swear it's not just their natural black masks. Great to see you're posting again. Miss you. It's way past time for some QT together.

Steph. said...

4th photo caption, "Oh...my...Dinner looks TAS-TY tonight... Come to Papa!"

Hilarious pictures. Thanks I needed that today!