Sunday, March 23, 2008

What's been goin' on

Just a quick summary of the past couple of weeks...
Babs was kind enough to take a photo of Robert and I in front of the almost-completed house!

Robert returned the favor by snapping us in front of the first Austin friend to visit my new Colorado house - yay!

The cats have some ideas about the impending move, and they're not necessarily good ones...
You're kidding, me, right???

And that's about all she has to say about that.


Nicole said...

Oooooooh! I like the paint scheme! Cute pix ;-)

Unknown said...


I just found your blog as a result of Googling to find Volunteer Staff Alumni of my and my sister's vintage (2nd Staff '87, Teaching Staff '88; my sister Amy worked 2nd Staff '88 - '90, Teaching Staff '91, Girls Staff '95).

Loved your story. I mean, LOVED your story! It is as if I wrote the story about my own experience. Like you, I found myself at Spring Canyon. My staff experience continues to positively impact me to this day.

What staffs were you on?

Michael Corwin